Christianity is Not Burdensome
by Pastor Jannie Linney on August 2nd, 2024
Christianity is Not Burdensome   In all the years I have been in the ministry, many times I have heard people say, “Living the Christian Life is hard”. I always want to tell them that their worst day with Jesus is better than their best day with the devil. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” [2Cor. 5:17].  The har...  Read More
God Laughs
by Jannie Linney on September 16th, 2021
God Laughs “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of the mockers, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law, he meditates day and night” [Ps.1:1 NIV] Now if we want to be blessed, we have just read the instructions. God always helps us live a fulfilled life if we just listen to Him. “Why do nations rage, ...  Read More
God Does Not Make Mistakes
by Jannie Linney on September 9th, 2021
God Does Not Make Mistakes  When you are in the ministry, you hear all kinds of things. One of the things that has bothered me more than anything else, is when I hear people blame God for whatever is wrong. One incident in particular, was a young man in a large town I had been called in to for a speaking engagement. My car broke down and after the repair; a young man took me for a test drive to sh...  Read More
Holy Spirit and Power
by Jannie Linney on September 2nd, 2021
Holy Spirit and Power The Holy Spirit and Power can only come “In Christ.” You see when we are born again, we receive Jesus in our heart, the greatest move we can make, but when we go on into where the heart is, we move on into the Holy Spirit. Like Matthew 3:11 tells us, John said “I indeed baptize you with water into repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I a...  Read More
by Jannie Linney on August 26th, 2021
Awake “Do not be deceived: evil company corrupts good habits. Awake to Righteousness and sin not; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame” [1 Cor. 15:33-34]. Several places in the bible encourages us, do not be deceived. Apparently, God is trying to tell us it is possible to be deceived. Deception means we do not know we are deceived, confused, mixed up or have a lack...  Read More
Once Again the Stone is Rolled Away
by Jannie Linney on August 19th, 2021
Once Again, the Stone is Rolled Away You remember when Jesus was crucified? All the way to the cross, Jesus was under stressful pressure; there was the temptation of Judas, the betrayal, Jesus’ was arrest, then the flogging, the crown of thorns pushed down bringing blood from His brow, the people spitting on Him, the humiliation, carrying the cross on His mutilated back, the nails driven into His ...  Read More
Exhortations to Obedience #2
by Jannie Linney on August 12th, 2021
Exhortations to Obedience #2“My son forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: for length of days, and Long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. Last week we talked about some of the benefits we can receive by being obedient to the law of God. Not obedient in a legalistic way, but because we love the Lord so much, it is a pleasure. “Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: Bind ...  Read More
Exhortations to Obedience
by Jannie Linney on August 5th, 2021
Exhortations to Obedience  “My son forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: for length of days, and Long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. Prov.3:1-2] The information here is talking about the Fathers commandments [they, the commandments], has great benefits, in living right, there is length of days. I don’t know anyone who does not want to live a long life. The word God...  Read More
Christianity? Game, Gamble, Gift
by Jannie Linney on July 29th, 2021
Christianity? Game, Gamble, GiftIn the world of today, Christianity is treated so many different ways. It seems as if so many just make up their definition of what Christianity is. To our surprise, Christianity is still the same today as it was back in the Bible book of Acts. Early in this year the Lord spoke to me and said “Many people think the Bible says what they believe” I let that soak in be...  Read More
The Lord's Voice
by Jannie Linney on July 22nd, 2021
The Lord’s Voice  “Enter into His gates with “thanksgiving” and into His courts with “praise;” be thankful unto Him and “bless His name;” [That is worship]. [Ps. 104:4]. Notice how we come into His presence! This is a type of getting to The Father, we go through the gates to go into the outer courts of the Temple of God. We enter the inner court with praise, then bless His name which is worship, c...  Read More
We Inherited Everything
by Jannie Linney on July 15th, 2021
We Inherited EverythingThe more I read and study the Bible, the more I realize how precious we are to God. When He created mankind, He placed him in the Garden of Eden. That was such an awesome place, a utopia that is beyond our comprehension. He wanted the very best for His creation. He knew mankind could not live by the kind of law it would take to earn their way back into His perfection, so, He...  Read More
Jesus Could Do No Mighty Works
by Jannie Linney on July 14th, 2021
Jesus Could Do No Mighty Works I think it is simply amazing that a prophet is considered as nothing in his hometown where everyone knows him better than anywhere else. I know a pastor that travels all over the world ministering to people. There is manifestations of salvations, healings and miracles everywhere he goes. However, in his hometown, he has a church of about thirty members. Jesus found t...  Read More